Thursday, 30 July 2015

Welcome to Serenity

Hi all, welcome to the season of serenity!
This season ideal for me at the moment as I'm not feeling serene at all! so on to the art, and my simple answer to what I throw myself into when I need a safe place. There is obviously doing the art journal stuff, but I mostly to go to my first love which is music to dance it out!
My inner goddess, after doing the extensive online test came out as Artemis the greek goddess of hunting, forests, hills, the moon and archery. Some of her qualities I did agree with- others not so much!

After doing some research on goddesses, I came across norse folklore surrounding the Valkyries- the group of goddesses of battle who ultimately picked how deserved to live or die in battle. If you've read my testimonial on Get Messy you may know work for me has been a bit tough lately and I have been delivering a lot of bad news about people's jobs- so I can identify with a valkyrie because in some way I'm part of choosing someone's fate.

Also checkout my attempt at copying the cool art journal photography!
Lots of love,
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