Saturday, 23 November 2013


Hi all, I know I said stay tuned I have something cool to show you. Well it went a bit wrong, I was trying to dye my fabric a nice baby pink. I thought I would give a go dying fabric with food colouring. I know it sounds a bit stupid but I could get to the shop to buy actual fabric dye and thought why not lets give it a go I have some pink food colouring.

Well as you may have gathered it didn't really work and still looks white, if you try and look hard enough a tinge of pink is there but not what I want.

As I said last time, I don't really like the cotton anyway as it doesn't seem like scarf fabric, I might need to do a bit of research. 

Anyhow, I would leave you with this cute picture below. As you can tell I have been researching tea cups!

Hopefully next time I will have my awesome scarf to show you.

Lots of love,

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