Wednesday, 20 May 2015

We are the brave

Hey, time to share my next batch of art journaling, as I spoke about before I have found this season pretty tricky. I'm not sure whether it's been the content or the fact I have just been really busy lately and not really had the time to think the subject through.

So the below is the result of me using inks and a piece of lace net curtain to get the below effect and obviously what a piece of art journaling without a inspirational quote!

Below I wasn't sure where I was going with this page and just ended up here!

On another prompt I did list my fears, but I got to thinking in this day and age with social media and always being connected and able to find out anything at the touch of a button. I think most people of my generation's biggest fear is being disconnected and out of the loop. I always admire those people who can happily turn off their phone, not check their iPad, laptop or any use any form of technology. 

Lastly, one of the thing I have been doing is visiting Brighton for the amazing festival that is the Great Escape. This festival is based all over Brighton's pubs and clubs and they are hosts to various new bands from all over the world. I love this mini festival because you get the opportunity to discover some gems that fast become your favourite thing to listen to.

Lots of love,

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Tuesday, 5 May 2015


Below are some pics of the latest prompts I have been working on.

A picture of me then and you can see I haven't changed much...still a bit weird!

Did some marbled paper and decided to stick some brave quotes on it!

In line with this weeks prompts and also in line with it being voting season... Here's who I think is brave.

                                                                Lots of love
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